Online Journals

The following journals or service providers offer free access to their content. Of these, the journals of NIScPR and Indian Academy of Science are refereed journals which are indexed in either SCOPUS or Web of Science.

NIScPR journals:

Journals o Indian Academy of Sciences (IAS)

Bulletin of Materials Sciences

Current Science

Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy

Journal of Biosciences

Journal of Chemical Sciences

Journal of Earth System Sciences

Journal o Genetics

Pramana: Journal of Physics

Proceedings: Mathematical Sciences


Sadhana: Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences

Directory of Open Access Journals

This is a collection of 19,285 open access journals across 80 languages. At the top of the window of DOAJ website, rollover your mouse on the Search link. You can choose either the ‘Journals’ option or ‘Articles’ options depending on your requirements. Usually, users need articles, so use the ‘Articles’ option. Then key-in your search elements in the given search space. Remember to opt the language you are interested in, otherwise lot of articles from other languages will be displayed in the results. Visit DOAJ